CBT-L01 – Total Viable Count
Detection of aerobic or microaerophilic mesophilic microorganisms which are able to grow on complete media.
CO-L02 – Coliforms
Rod-shaped aerobic, Gram-negative, non spore-forming, cytochrome oxidase negative microorganism; fermenting lactose with production of acids in the presence of bile salts or other surfactants.
EC-L22 – Escherichia coli
Rod-shaped aerobic, Gram-negative, non spore-forming, cytochrome oxidase negative microorganism; fermenting lactose with production of acids in the presence of bile salts or other surfactants; at a temperature of 44 °C produce indole from tryptophan.
EB-L03 – Enterobacteriaceae
Gram-negative microorganisms, aerobic-anaerobic facultative, non spore-forming, oxidase negative, ferment glucose and lactose with gas production, reduce nitrate and are negative for oxidase test.
SP-L04 – Staphylococcus aureus
Gram-positive cocci, coagulase positive, catalase positive, fixed, non spore-forming, facultative anaerobes, fermenting mannitol and osmotolerant.
PAO-L05 – Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Moveable non spore-forming microorganism, rod-shaped, Gram-negative aerobic-anaerobic facultative, cytochrome oxidase and catalase positive; produce pyocyanine.
EF-L09 – Enterococcus spp.
Gram-positive, fixed, facultative anaerobes, non hemolytic, catalase negative microorganism; fermenting glucose without gas production and hydrolyze esculin.
LY-L07 – Listeria spp.
Gram-positive, non spore-forming, facultative anaerobic microorganisms, resistant to many antibiotics. Grow at pH between 5 and 9 and in the presence of NaCl to 10%. Catalase positive, oxidase negative, do not hydrolyze urea, gelatin and casein. Do not reduce nitrates and do not produce indole nor hydrogen sulfide.
SL-L06 – Salmonella spp.
Gram-negative, aerobic-anaerobic facultative enterobacteria, able to ferment mannitol. Catalase positive, produce hydrogen sulfide, reduce nitrate to nitrite.
SC-L11 – Yeast
Unicellular eukaryotic, heterotrophic, highly aerobic organisms, growing in carbon-rich substrates, resistant to high concentrations of antibiotics and sulphonamides.